Ladies beware of products you apply on your face, this happened to her after using face bleach

Ladies beware of products you apply on your face, this happened to her after using face bleach

Ladies beware of products you apply on your face, this happened to her after using face bleach 1


We all have the desire to look beautiful but we forget that beauty does not come cheap. People with a lot of money when buying products they make sure that they buy reputable products because they never wanna risk their beauty over glow.

Photo credit: Facebook

Unfortunately our women go for anything they pick up in shops or the advice they receive from social media. A young lady shared a post she came across on the internet. On the picture a lady burned her face using products that she thought will sit well on her skin. Little did she know that she is risking her natural beauty. Within months of using the product her face turned to this.

Do whatever you want with your face but never apply something that will make you regret later. We see people trying to be light skin and some overdose this, imagine how they will look in 10years time in the name of beauty aaaii.

Ladies beware of products you apply on your face, this happened to her after using face bleach 2

Ladies beware of products you apply on your face, this happened to her after using face bleach 3
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